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Sustainable development Goals in education

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Europe involves integrating principles of sustainability into educational policies, curricula, and practices to equip learners with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for addressing global challenges and promoting a sustainable future.

There are many initiatives and programmes for the promotion of ESD in education and lifelong learning like the Bandera Verde (Green flag initiative) or the Eco-Schools Program targeting on:

  1. Environmental Education:

  2. Student Empowerment:

  3. Community Engagement:

  4. Implementation of Sustainable Practices:

  5. Global Citizenship:


In Greece, schools themselves, with support from educational authorities, may implement environmental education programs. These initiatives can include integrating sustainability themes into the curriculum, organizing field trips, and participating in national and international environmental projects. There are special Greek schools named ‘Centre for Environmental education and sustainability’ (CEES) well spread around the county offering environmental education programmes for all different age groups. The interested schools from all over the country could chose to follow a particular program in one of the CEES’s that better address their interest and follow the training programme either online or at the spot, organizing a trip to the CEES premises.

One of the CEES in Western Macedonia, Greece is the CEES of Kastoria town. The Center for Education for the Environment and Sustainability (K.E.P.E.A.)/Center for Environmental Education (K.P.E.) of Kastoria plans to implement educational programs, in person and online, with school groups of Primary and Secondary Education of the Region of Western Macedonia, for the period October - December 2023.


What does the school offer? A variety of environmental educational programmes for different age groups from primary to high school. Some examples could be find below:

✅ "The Roads of Water - The Lake of Kastoria" for students of 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Primary School, High School, General High School and Vocational School.

✅ "Biodiversity: The Workshop of Life" for students of Primary School, Gymnasium, General Lyceum, Primary School, Secondary School, High School and Secondary School.

✅ "They Surround Us - The World of Birds" for students of the 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Primary, Secondary, General and Upper Secondary Schools.

✅ "Little Sweet Life: Approaching the Microcosm of Sweet Waters" for pre-school, Primary, Secondary, High School, General High School and Vocational School students.

✅ "Dolceau: A Traditional Quarter of Kastoria in the Passage of Time" for students of the 5th & 6th grade, Primary School, Gymnasium, General Lyceum and Vocational School.

✅ "Aspects of the city in the Apozari Quarter" for students of the 5th & 6th Primary School, Gymnasium, General Lyceum and Vocational School.


➥ "The Lake as an Ecosystem" for students of 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Primary School, Secondary School, General High School and Vocational High School (duration 1 teaching hour) - includes presentation of the topic with presentation and discussion.

➥ "The Lake and the City of Kastoria" for students of Primary School, Gymnasium, General High School and Vocational High School (duration 1 teaching hour) - includes presentation of the topic with introduction and discussion.

➥ "The Forest" for students of 3rd, 4th, 5th & 5th primary school, secondary school, general and vocational high school (duration 1 teaching hour) - includes presentation of the topic with introduction and discussion.

➥ "The Concept and Values of Biodiversity" for students of Primary School, Secondary School, General High School and Vocational School (duration 2-3 teaching hours) - includes presentation of the topic with introduction, discussion and interactive activity.

➥ "We are surrounded by: The World of Birds" for students of 4th, 5th & 6th Primary School, Gymnasium, General Lyceum and Vocational High School (duration 1 teaching hour) - includes presentation of the topic with introduction and discussion.

➥ "Climate Change and Biodiversity" for students of primary school, secondary school, general high school and vocational high school (duration of 1 teaching hour) - includes presentation of the topic with introduction and discussion.

➥ "Biodiversity of our place: Orchids" for students of 4th, 5th & 6th Primary, High School, General Lyceum and Vocational High School (duration 1 hour) - includes presentation of the topic with discussion.

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